Paris Open Bus Tour

I loved the open bus tour… it was fabulous with three routes that touch each other at some point . I did all three and would happily do them again. A great way to get oriented… but.. sometimes I take notes and never actually get to write the post. this would be one of those times so please, do not read on…

Expecting an overcast day I left wrapped in a warm jacket and sweater only to arrive at street level to find it raining. Back upstairs to get a coat and for some inexplicable reason I did not rethink the open bus part of the tour.

Of course between this and the big city I think this line has a better route. I wanted to go up to SACRE COUR and on this line I can. Only it’s raining so I am rethinking and

Lunch. Shopping. Onto the red line. Crooked house at gard de nord. Train station

Must return to check out the indoor market near train station – Marché Saint Quentin

How cool to be upstairs on the open air bus when it drives right under, or is it through, the EIFEL TOWER

Situated finally in the front single raised seat by the driver I am happy with the view and the warmth. It has stopped raining but it’s hard to say for how long. But I do see bright skies ahead.

I hopped off at the last stop in the 11th arrondissement and met my new friend at Auberge Pyrenees Cevennes… Delicious

And a lovely walk home.

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