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Topsmead, Butler sculpture

It was about an hours drive down to Topsmead via the Butler Sculpture Park and on the way we stopped into Dennis Hill, a Connecticut state park, we got out in Norfolk where the town centers on an open public square with a view. We saw some interesting walls, small cemeteries and farming.

Although Butler Sculpture Park was a bit disappointing as there were very few sculptures to see, the property, which is currently for sale, was a pleasure to walk. There were a few buildings on the property and a great woodlands to walk.

All across this area we keep coming across. small old cemeteries. I cannot say why I like them, but I find it so interstiing that they have survived.

I have also been taken by. the walls we pass. Who knew they were so varied and that there are so many things you can dress them up with.

And into Norfolk

Where you can send an anonymous love letter or join a book club that meets in the woods and takes a hike

Where you can join a book club that meets in the woods and takes a hike.

Up at Dennis Hill a young man had parked his van and set up his hammock inside and was enjoying the day.

We enjoyed the view.

There was farming and here you can see how the big machine left behind a small row here and a small bunch tere as it worked its way through the fields.

We ended the day at Topsmead. There was a working farm, an old house, and trails.

We walked across two large fields to get to what they call a wildlife viewing area and this adorable butterfly garden.

And the other stuff we saw along the way

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